Real Time Stock And Asset Valuation
Instant Profit/Loss Booking
Control Over Compliances And AML Rules
All The MIS Reports Across All The Branches
CBS Like Transactional Control
Login Management
SMS Gateway Incorporation
API Integration
Maintenance & Support
Overview: Maraekat’s flagship software for foreign currency exchange, Exchange on Net, has over 5000 users worldwide and is the ultimate financial ERP tool for Money Changers. With a comprehensive list of features like Stock Valuation, Profit Realization and Compliance Proof EON is an all in one Forex solution for seamless operations.
Exchange on net is specifically created to handle highly sensitive transactions. Some of its modules include:
Overview: Our browser based, online forex software consists of all the benefits of windows based Exchange on Net along with additional interactive tools like Built –in stock re-update, lead management, dashboard reporting, auto-settlement and auto-surrender of stocks to help your day to day Forex transactions. Web-EON can be installed on your server or in our host with an unlimited number of users working simultaneously.
What's New: Maraekat is constantly working for betterment of its software output and the new features will add immensely to the overall benefit that Web EON brings to your organization. Upcoming features include Automated P&L and cash flow report at every day-end of each branch.
Explore further: Contact us now for an in-depth demonstration.
Overview: Money changers can create and design an interactive web portal for offering forex services online. They can accept FOREX requirements from End users and can cater several different services to them. Moreover, they can pass on the lead to other money changers and book instant commission through it.
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